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Artist Biography & Facts
Manolo Manuel Hugue

Manolo (Manuel) Hugue (1872 - 1945) was active/lived in Cuba, Spain.  Manolo Manuel Hugue is known for Sculpture; painting.

Manuel Martínez Hugué, Manolo Hugué, was trained at the Escuela de la Lonja in Barcelona. A regular participant in the gatherings of "Els Quatre Gats", he became friends with Picasso, Rusiñol, Mir and Nonell. In 1900 he moved to Paris, where he lived for ten years. There he resumed his relationship with Picasso, and became friends with other avant-garde theorists such as Apollinaire, Modigliani, Braque and Derain. In the French capital he worked on the design of jewelry and small sculptures, influenced by the work of his friend, the sculptor and goldsmith Paco Durrio. In 1892 he worked with Torcuato Tasso on decorative works for the celebrations of the centenary of the Discovery of America. Between 1910 and 1917, completely dedicated to sculpture, he worked in Ceret, where he gathered a heterogeneous group of artists among whom Juan Gris, Joaquín Sunyer and, again, Picasso stood out. During these years he held exhibitions in Barcelona, Paris and New York. In 1932 he was appointed membe   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2822 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 370 auction lots for Manolo Manuel Hugue (of which 131 auction records sold and 2 are upcoming at auction.)

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.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Manolo Manuel Hugue as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

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.  askART lists Manolo Manuel Hugue in 0 of its research Essays. Manolo Manuel Hugue has 1 artist signature examples available in our database.

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Facts about Manolo Manuel Hugue

Manuel Martínez Hugué, Manolo Hugué, was trained at the Escuela de la Lonja in Barcelona. A regular participant in the gatherings of "Els Quatre Gats", he became friends with Picasso, Rusiñol, Mir and Nonell. In 1900 he moved to Paris, where he lived for ten years. There he resumed his relationship with Picasso, and became friends with other avant-garde theorists such as Apollinaire, Modigliani, Braque and Derain. In the French capital he worked on the design of jewelry and small sculptures, influenced by the work of his friend, the sculptor and goldsmith Paco Durrio. In 1892 he worked with Torcuato Tasso on decorative works for the celebrations of the centenary of the Discovery of America. Between 1910 and 1917, completely dedicated to scu  ...  Displaying 750 of 2822 characters.

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