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Artist Biography & Facts
Gerard Titus-Carmel

Gerard Titus-Carmel (Born 1942) is active/lives in France.  Gerard Titus Carmel is known for Abstract, geometric images,painting, mixed-media, printmaker, poet, essayist.

Biography photo for Gerard Titus-Carmel
Gérard Titus-Carmel was born in Paris in 1942. He soon took an interest in modern art and, from 1958 to 1962, trained at the Boulle School, technical school of furniture and decoration where he got initiated to drawing and printmaking.

Titus-Carmel long worked with Antonio Segui and Vladimir Velickovic in a joint workshop in Arcueil, France. The artist, at that time, widely used in his creation a humour of the object of "kitsch", a source of inspiration intended to make his works both unusual and enigmatic.

Designer of a high precision, working in successive series, Titus-Carmel uses a special way to express the design. Since 1964, often representing France, Titus-Carmel participated in numerous international group exhibitions in France and abroad (Paris Biennial, Salons of Elder and Youth of Today, Salon of Mai, Interferences, Expo Osaka in 1982, etc.)

He has exhibited regularly, since 1967 with his work in nearly 200 solo exhibitions (in France, in Paris especi   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 2651 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 203 auction lots for Gerard Titus-Carmel (of which 120 auction records sold and 1 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Gerard Titus-Carmel as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Gerard Titus-Carmel in 0 of its research Essays. Gerard Titus-Carmel has 1 artist signature examples available in our database.

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Facts about Gerard Titus-Carmel

   Gerard Titus-Carmel  Born:  1942 - Paris, France
Known for:  Abstract, geometric images,painting, mixed-media, printmaker, poet, essayist
Name variants:  Titus Carmel, Titus Carmel Gerard

Gérard Titus-Carmel was born in Paris in 1942. He soon took an interest in modern art and, from 1958 to 1962, trained at the Boulle School, technical school of furniture and decoration where he got initiated to drawing and printmaking.

Titus-Carmel long worked with Antonio Segui and Vladimir Velickovic in a joint workshop in Arcueil, France. The artist, at that time, widely used in his creation a humour of the object of "kitsch", a source of inspiration intended to make his works both unusual and enigmatic.

Designer of a high precision, working in successive series, Titus-Carmel uses a special way to express the design. Since 1964, often representing France, Titus-Carmel participated in numerous international group exhibition  ...  Displaying 750 of 2651 characters.

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