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Term Definition
Quebec Modern Group A term, it is occasionally used to describe important and influential modernist artists working in Quebec, Canada in the middle and second half of the 20th century, particularly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Their styles include Abstract Expressionism, Automatism, Minimalism, Surrealism, Op-Art, Colour Field, Expressionism, Fauvism and Realism. Quebec Modern artists include members of the Contemporary Arts Society, Automatistes, Plasticiens, Prisme d'Yeux and the Non Figurative Artists' Association of Montreal. The artists referred to include Marcel Barbeau, Leon Bellefleur, Alexander Bercovitch, Suzanne Bergeron, Paul-Emile Borduas, Sam Borenstein, Fritz Brandtner, Stanley Cosgrove, Jean Dallaire, Jacques de Tonnancour, Sylvia Daoust, Suzanne Duquet, Marcelle Ferron, Pierre Gauvreau, Lise Gervais, Rita Letendre, Fernand Leduc, Henri Masson, Jean-Paul Lemieux, Guy Michon, Guido Molinari, Jean-Paul Mousseau, Alfred Pellan, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Ghitta Caiserman-Roth and Claude Tousignant. All terms used are in the AskART Glossary, all artists are in AskART. Sources: The Canadian Art Group, Elliott Louis Gallery Inc., and Heffel Gallery. Prepared and contributed by M.D.Silverbrooke, Art Historian and Collector, West Vancouver, British Columbia.
Quick Facts, Keywords A term referencing descriptive words that highlight aspects of an artist's record on, they fall under the headings that include Mediums, Subjects, Geography, Styles, Associations, Schools, Exhibitions, Teachers, Awards, Collections, and Added Description. (Source, AskART)
