Art for Sale
Jean Dubuffet

Jean Dubuffet (1901 - 1985) was active/lived in France.  Jean Dubuffet is known for Modernist painting, collage, drawing.

Like Gauguin, Dubuffet started out as an unlikely candidate to be anything at all in the art world. He was born in Le Havre, France in 1901; his father was a prosperous Le Havre wine merchant. Dubuffet tried painting for a while, then gave it up in disgust because he decided he was only imitating his Paris friends, Suzanne Valadon, Raoul Dufy and Fernand Leger. 

He went back to selling wine, got "a wife, furniture, a maid, a brother-in-law, a car, kids." One day before World War II he started to paint again.  His wife left him, and the brother-in-law, too.  For the next few years, he worked the  back streets of Paris, painting little bistros and corset shops, jazz combos, and a host of men and women in the misery of routine.  In 1944 he got his first Paris show.   

His work took on a special excitement. His philosophy amounted to a sweeping rejection of Europe's cherished art traditions. He became the leader of the Art Brut (raw a   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 13520 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 3046 auction lots for Jean Dubuffet (of which 2655 auction records sold and 4 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 1 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 3 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Jean Dubuffet as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Jean Dubuffet in 0 of its research Essays. Jean Dubuffet has 23 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Jean Dubuffet available:    Gerhard Richter,  Karel Christiaan Appel,  Josef Albers,  Sam Lewis Francis,  Marino Marini,  David Hockney,  Tom Wesselmann,  Sol LeWitt,  Alexander (Sandy) Calder,  Robert E Indiana,  Robert Rauschenberg,  Jesus Rafael Soto,  Adolph Gottlieb,  Helen Frankenthaler,  Jean-Michel Basquiat,  Alex Katz,  Jim Dine,  George Condo,  Yves Klein,  Damien Hirst,  Roy Lichtenstein,  Ed Ruscha,  Hans Hofmann,  Niki de Saint Phalle

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art for sale: Jean Dubuffet 3   
l'Homme au Chapeau
Jean Dubuffet
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